DRPS Chiefs of Police
Kevin McAlpine

Chief McAlpine was the fourth member to be sworn in as Chief for the DRPS.
In 2005 the PADAN committee created an award named after Chief McAlpine. This award was first presented to him on October 20, 2005
The Lifetime Achievement Award is named in honour of retired Chief Kevin McAlpine. ("retired" as he first received the award when he was active as Chief)
This prestigious award is presented from time to time to a retiring or a retired police officer who has spent at least five years of their career as a sworn member of the Durham Regional Police Service and have consistently, over the course of their career exemplified the characteristics of dedication, enthusiasm, leadership and unwavering ethical behaviour.
The Durham Regional Police Pipes & Drums was formed by Staff Sergeant Charlie Green and Sergeant Roy Good in 1996. The band wears the McAlpine tartan commemorating Chief Kevin McAlpine, the fourth Chief of the Durham Regional Police Service.
Fun Fact
Our last book that was published was to highlight the 25th anniversary of the DRPS. Chief McAlpine wrote the preface for that book and was the Chief at the time of its publication in 1999.